• Carloforte Waterfront

  • Carloforte Waterfront

    Year: 2023
    Content: Park
    Venue: Carloforte, Italy
    Team: Tareq Tamimi, Annachiara Trabacchin, Oliviero Vitali, Rocco Vitali
    Stage: Competition – Selected Entry

    The project is a garden, a fluid and continuous public space, a natural walkway that connects the city of Carloforte with the the sea. The park serves as an urban connector and cultural campus. The proposal therefore represents a contemporary version of the botanical garden: a place where people can meet, have fun, educate themselves, a place of recreation, sport, beauty and learning; a place that connects all the areas and inhabitants that surround it and that is itself connected to all sides. Nature and architecture can finally coexist in the city.