• Pixel

  • Pixel

    Year: 2020
    Content: Piazza
    Venue: Piazzale Loreto, Piazza Tito Minniti, Milan, Italy
    Team: Oliviero Vitali, Rocco Vitali
    Stage: Competition

    Two carpets for the city of Milan. Piazzale Loreto and Piazza Tito Minniti welcome their new painted floors. The texture, squares and hexagons, recalls the paving of the historic Milanese architecture. Pixel provides the active involvement of the city inhabitants. Each of these participates in the creation of the work by personalizing one of the ‘tiles’ that make up the whole puzzle. The citizen chooses the color of his box and proposes a drawing to realize within it. The constellation of all the pixels gives shape to the final design of the square, narrating a collective growth of the city as a result of the energy of each person.